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Add Your Name
Note: Please have some digi pictures ready and accessible on your computer. You will be given an opportunity on the next page to submit them to post with your profile. We'd like to see your face, and a snowboarding shot. Nothing obscene please. Up to four images are allowed; each must be a PNG, JPEG, or GIF under 150KB.

If you want to add the pictures later, you can bookmark the following page after submitting this form and come back later.

Snowboard Pro Forum

Prove you're not a bot. What is 9 + 12?
First Name:
Last Name:
Email (your email address will NOT appear in your profile):
Date of birth:
Started riding in what year?
Sponsor / s?
What snowboard related business activites are you involved in?
Where did you grow up?
Live now?
Fave places to ride?
Do you warm up each day before you ride? If so, what do you do to warm up?
How keep in shape in season? How keep in shape for snowboarding out of season?
Fave riding buddies?
Who do you admire in snowboarding or outside and why?
Do you ever get bummed out about your riding, and why?
How do you fix it?
Do you use visualization, and if so, how?
What safety equipt. do you wear, use for snowboarding?
If you're pro, when did you decide to “go pro” — and what happened to get you there?
What have you read, listened to seen that you liked lately?
Where have you traveled to lately that you like?
Any guilty pleasures?
Have you done well in any contests lately that you want to tell us about?
Anything that not many people know about you that you would like to share?
Encouraging words for beginners?
Advice you want to share?

Your profile will appear AFTER it is approved, which may take up to a week (usually quicker!) You do not need to re-submit your profile now just because you don't see it posted. Patience, please!